Sunday, 19 July 2009

Polar Playground Parade

FINALLY after months of on/off work during the weekends, behold in all it's majestic glory (!) my latest digital piece - Polar Playground Parade.

Produced using mixed media, including goache, acrylic, graphite, ink, digital and a whole host of textures both produced by myself and some taken from (thanks to the guys who maintain this site!).

What with me being a full-time munchkin at the Agency now, I'm finding it harder and harder to find the time to illustrate (one day at a weekend isn't enough). So! I've decided to take a break from time consuming digi-wonders to focus on my goache and acylic work, and hopefully produce some rather spif-tastic paintings for others to have a moochy-skooch at! I realised during my work on 'Mars' that it's actually faster for me to paint normally than digitally - how's that for a creative paradox?