What ho! fellow online activists! I return again with progress on "Mars". I have spent another weekend pouring endless hours into art, with both 'Mars' and the snow-based digital wonder (see post below) slowly ticking towards completion.
In other news, the storyboard I produced in my previous post is to be scrapped! Turns out the...how shall I say..."verbally challenged" guy who briefed me in forgot to mention some valuable info about the scenario. The day after I completed the storyboard, the Creative Director filled me in in aforementioned missing valuable info, resulting in my previous effort having to be chucked.
I shouldn't complain really - storyboarding is a hell of a ball, and I feel lucky to have a job where I can have a crack at it. The good that has come out of this mishap, is that apparently I will have the opportunity to work with TBWA (another, bigger agency) in putting together new storyboards.
With next weekend being Easter, I plan on using the extra time off to finish Mars and, fingers crossed, finish a digital piece as well.
Until then - adios amigos!
For what it's worth, I really like the style of the story board drawings. Mars looks really good now. Very arty... but not as arty as burning a piano. That, my friend, will never be out-arted ;-)