Sunday 9 August 2009

Yo! Yo! Ninja!

Man I need to stop slacking off on the blogging front. The last couple of weeks I haven't been out at the weekends which has given me an opportunity to do a bit of catching up on the art front.

The first image here is a painting I've started today which will eventually be a gift for someone. Im just having a bit of fun with it as I warm up for my next painting project where I intend to flex some more creative muscle.

The second image is a half finished sketch from my sketchbook which I'm still working on. I really need to do more sketching, I've been slacking off on that as well of late.

I know the pics are a bit fuzzy and staring at them for too long may well incur blindness, so please approach with care, but what can ya do eh? Blame the camera, that's good enough for me.

Finally I've done a lot of illustration work recently at the Agency for Toy Story, McDonald's and (as ever!) Nissan. I'll post a few once the pitches are done and dusted.

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